




公司性質:民營企業 / 成立日期: / 注冊資金:0萬元 / 公司規模:1000人以上

所在地區:廣東省*深圳市*福田區 / 經營品牌:













生態環境治理和生態產業投資是公司的新興業務。公司已于2014年設立武漢文科生態環境有限公司,主營業務涵蓋生態環境與節能環保領域內的技術開發、技術咨詢、技術服務;生態環境工程的規劃設計與施工;土壤環境治理與修復,水體治理和生態修復;礦山生態修復;花卉苗木科研、種植與經營;生物技術的開發;生態環保項目投資等。2015年 ,公司設立深圳文科生態投資有限公司,并和公司股東東方富海合資設立生態環保產業基金,基金規模7億多元,致力于生態環保領域的投資、PPP投資。公司從景觀規劃設計到園林綠化工程施工,再到生態環保修復、生態產業投資,實現了全產業鏈的整合與延伸。



As a comprehensive landscape enterprise, Shenzhen Wenke Landscape Corp., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wenke Landscape") was incorporated in Shenzhen City in 1996 with a registered capital of 120 million Yuan. Wenke Landscape was listed on small and medium enterprise board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) (stock code: 002775). With regard to the business scope, it includes planning & design of landscape architecture, construction & maintenance of landscaping, planning programming & construction of forestation, ancient architecture engineering construction of gardens, general construction contract of municipal utilities engineering; ornamental plant bonsai purchase, sale and rental; flower-plant cultivation & new variety development; waste water, solid wastes and pollution remediation, environmental pollution prevention; as well as design of enterprise image, etc..

Wenke Landscape has a Grade-A qualification of special landscape architecture design, First-class qualification of urban garden greening, Grade-A qualification of pollution remediation, and the Second-class general construction contract qualification of municipal utilities engineering; besides, in addition to green credentials of Grade-B waste water pollution prevention and solid waste disposal qualifications, etc., we are also qualified for ancient architecture of gardens, forestation construction, forestation design and urban and rural planning, etc.. Moreover, as a long-term strategic partner and landscape architecture supplier of more than 10 well-known real estate development enterprises such as Evergrande Real Estate Group, China Vanke Co., Ltd., China Wanda Group, China Overseas Property and Shenzhen Catic Real Estate Co., Ltd., etc., the company is the China Top 10 Enterprise with Comprehensive Competitive Power of Urban Garden Greening, the China Top 50 Enterprise of ZERO2IPO with the Most Investment Value, the Guangdong Top 500 Enterprise, the Guangdong Excellent Landscape Enterprise, the Guangdong Top 10 Landscape Enterprise, the Guangdong Class-5A Enterprise of Integrity Evaluation in Landscaping Industry, the Guangdong Enterprise Abiding by Contract & Valuing Credit, the Top 10 Landscaping Enterprise of Shenzhen, the Excellent Landscape Enterprise of Shenzhen, and the headquarter enterprise in Futian District of Shenzhen City. All over the country, our company has established multiple subsidiaries and branches with the business covering 31 provinces including cities and municipality of China.

Landscape construction projects are main businesses of our company and they consist of metropolitan parks, municipal administration paths, expressways, residential environment, man-made landscapes, roof gardens, fountain waterscapes, municipal squares and river regulations, etc.. Accumulatively, various landscape engineering hundreds of millions of square meters have been accomplished by the company. We undertook projects such as Tsing-yune Jinbi Tianxia Landscape Engineering, Huainan Lianhua·Jinshui Cheng Landscape Engineering, Chongqing Jinbi Tianxia Landscape Engineering, Guangdong Evergrande International Soccer School Landscape Engineering, Shijiazhuang Evergrande Huafu Landscape Engineering, Foshan Jinjia Jinzonglvwan Garden Architecture Greening Engineering, Guangzhou Yujing Bandao Landscape Engineering, Kunming Wanda Landscape Engineering in Weicheng of the Dian Lake, Shenzhen Merlin Park Improvement Engineering, Dongguan Vanke Jinyu Songhu Landscape Greening Engineering, Shenzhen Qianhai Park Landscape Engineering, Shenzhen Nan-Guang Expressway Greening Engineering, Bulong Road Greenery Landscape Ascension Engineering as well as landscaping projects in Shenzhen Luohu Port and the Eastern Square of Shenzhen Railway Station which were awarded with national, provincial and municipal Gold Awards of Good Example Project for Landscape Architecture respectively.

Landscape planning and design is the important business of our company. In addition to Grade-A special qualification in landscape design, the company also possesses landscape planning and design institute under our direct leadership, establishes designing branches in Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing and Shenyang, etc. and is rated as China Top 10 Most Influential Landscape Design Organization, China Top 10 Landscape Design Enterprise, Institution Leading in Market Share among Hundred Cities Nationwide, Real Estate Brand Enterprise of China, and Brand Leader of China Real Estate Landscape. Furthermore, our annual engineering design discharge has reached tens of millions of square meters. Projects including Jinshan Wanda Plaza Sight Design, CWE Xiangxi Shuijun Sight Design, Zigong Evergrande Mingdu Landscape Engineering Design and Foshan Xincai Lvdao Lake Environmental Scenery Design, etc. have achieved Landscape Design Industry Award.

Ecological environment governance and investment of ecological industry is a new business of the company. Wuhan Wenke Ecological Environment Co., Ltd. which was funded and established in 2014 by the company primarily engages in following businesses: technological development, technological development and technical services in ecological environment and energy conservation & environment protection fields; planning & design and construction of ecological environment engineering; soil environment governance & restoration, water body governance & ecological remediation; mine ecology restoration; scientific researches on flowers & plants and their cultivations and operations; biotechnology development; and eco-environment protection project investments, etc.. Shenzhen Wenke Ecological Environment Co., Ltd. which was funded and established in 2015. the shareholders of the company to set up a joint venture environmental protection industry fund, the fund size of 700 million yuan, committed to the field of investment in ecological environment, PPP. From landscape planning & design to landscaping engineering constructions and then to eco-environment protection & restoration, ecological industry investmen, integration and extension of the entire industrial chain has been implemented by the company.
We regard quality as the core competitiveness of enterprise development and have already passed certifications of GB/T19001-2008, GB/T24001-2004 and GB/T28001-2011. We always pay attention to the quality of products, striven to create a quality brand of landscape industry. In addition, "Wenke Landscape" has acquired Famous Trademark Certification of Guangdong Province and become a well-known brand of China real estate landscape and municipal gardens.

"Cultural Garden City Construction; Scientific Forestation". Corporate strategy of the company is to become a leader of landscape in top quality by providing services to high-end customers. Wenke Landscape will forge ahead with determination continuously to make new contributions for Chinese ecological civilization construction and the great cause of "Wild China" with the tenet of "Building World-class Living Environment".



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