公司性質:民營企業 / 成立日期: / 注冊資金:0萬元 / 公司規模:100 - 499人
所在地區:廣東省*深圳市*福田區 / 經營品牌:
DELD當代景觀,1987年由凡爾賽國立高等景觀學院終身教授阿蘭.庫塞朗創立于法國。是全球最具權威的美國景觀建筑師協會(ASLA)公司會員,歐洲園林建設協會(ELCA)、亞洲園林景觀建設國際協會(ALCA) 海外理事單位。2005年進入中國,同時將強大的顧問團隊和國際景觀設計師帶入中國,作為景觀設計專業服務的提供者,始終以可持續發展的生態景觀設計為準則,提供從規劃設計至現場指導的全程服務,為客戶打造精品項目,實現產品價值最大化。 DELD Modern Landscape was created in France in 1987 by tenure professor of EcoleNationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles,Alain Cousseran. It holds membership of ASLA, ELCA and ALCA. It came to China in 2005 and brought a team of consultants and International landscape designers. It provides professional landscape design service, based on its sustainable development in ecosystem landscape design. It offers services from planning to onsite consultation, maximizes products’ value. DELD當代景觀(中國),現深圳辦公區域總面積1500平方米,公司匯聚了多元化、資深經驗的各專業人才超120人。采取與法國總部互換員工、共同設計的工作方式,不斷推動中國景觀設計理念的發展,是最具創新意識和國際視野的景觀設計公司。致力為客戶提供住宅、商業、旅游度假、市政公園等多種景觀設計服務。迄今為止已榮獲業內頒發的獎項50多個。 DELD Modern Landscape China is located in Shenzhen. Its office is 1500 square meters with nearly hundred staff. It adopts the model of exchanging staff with its French sectors. All staff work on projects together. It aims to provide landscape services in residential buildings, commercial facilities, tourist and vacationing, municipal gardens. It has been awarded more than 50 prizes in landscape design industry.